Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Taking Time to Pray

“Pray without ceasing.”- 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Now that we probably have abundance of time within our daily schedules, we are given the opportunity to take take some of it to instill prayer time into our everyday lives. How does this practically work within our families?

Throughout this week, we will give specific prayers to practice at home. Below are some general tips to pray each day with the whole family.

Elementary School:

Open Letter to Parents of 3-6 Years Old at Home

5 Ways to Pray with Kids

5 Ways to Wonder with Kids

CGS Prayer Podcast

Practical Life (CGS)

Cutting Practice with Kids (CGS)

Prayer Cards for Parents (CGS)

The Art Shelf (CGS)

Praying with Young Children

Our Father Word Search

Lord’s Prayer in American Sign Language

Family Worship Music Playlist

Middle School :


We are all called to pray to God. But in these times, it may be tempting to to only focus on one type of prayer: petition. There are 4 types of prayer.

1.      ADORATION         -    Praising God

2.      CONTRITION        -    Asking for forgiveness

3.      PETITION              -    Asking for a favor

4.      THANKSGIVING   -    Showing God gratitude

Of these, Adoration is the highest form of prayer. We should try to always include it at the beginning of every prayer.

For example: Dear God, you are truly good and all powerful. (adoration) therefore, we ask in these times that you take care of those that have fallen ill to the Coronavirus, especially for the elderly and those most susceptible (petition).


If God is truly all-powerful, omniscient, and loving; then why does he force us to worship Him? Is He some sort of narcissist? Why does he care if we, His creatures, praise him or not? How horrible to think that God would separate Himself from us (Hell) just because we didn't praise him enough.



We praise God because it is our duty.

The reason we worship God is the same reason parents teach their kids that they need to say "thank you" after receiving a gift. If the child does not say thank you, that does not reflect poorly on the gift giver, it reflects poorly on the child. A mother does not give her son food because she wants to hear him say thank you for her own pleasure. She would give him the food regardless of a thank you (because she loves her child). But she expects the child to say thank you, because it is right and just that he does so. To not say thank you would make him a rude, selfish, and conceited ingrate.

 So it is with God. We praise and worship Him, not because it soothes his ego, but because for us to not do so would make us rude, selfish, and conceited ingrates. Considering everything that God has given us, it is only proper that we praise Him. It is right and just.

We praise God because it is our salvation

When we properly understand our place in the world that God has created us, then it is impossible for us to not pray.

We have been given many gifts by God: our free will, our lives, this earth, our intelligence, and more. Everything that we have belongs to God. Our wealth, our house, our children, our gifts. We owe everything to God. When we pray "always and everywhere", then it means that we recognize that we have done nothing ourselves. A person who prays constantly, then, is putting God at the center of their lives. And in doing so, they are living in faith, which leads to salvation.


Think about prayer being our duty and salvation the next time you watch or go to Mass. Listen for this call and response:

Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

Congregation: It is right and just

Priest: It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.”

High School:

Here are some Prayer Pointers, which are some of Fr. Anthony Saroki’s tips for daily prayer that we use in the discipleship groups for the high school students.

Time should not be the excuse for not praying; below Fr. Mike Schmitz has some steps from St. Francis de Sales on including God in our every moment.

We probably have a little more silence in our lives. This of course can be very uncomfortable when we are surrounded by noise. Practicing be silent definitely helps build a more attentive prayer life.