Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Confirmation: Welcome into God's Mission

In this final section of the reflection of the Sacraments of Initiation, we are reflecting on the Sacrament of Confirmation. This Sacrament is one of the three Sacraments that leave an indelible (or uneraseable) mark upon one’s soul. This means that once you are confirmed, you are confirmed for life; nothing can take away the Sacrament, and there is nothing you can do to receive it again. It is so powerful, that even when you die, you are still confirmed. The other two Sacraments that also leave an indelible mark are Baptism and Holy Orders.

Baptism and Confirmation go hand-in-hand. In Baptism, God welcomes you into the family; in Confirmation, God welcomes you into the mission of the Blessed Trinity. Though there are many misconceptions about what the Sacrament of Confirmation is, this Sacrament is what made the Church possible.

Elementary Activities:

Dove Flame Stained Glass Activity

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Fruits Science and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Still Fruit Water Coloring

Activities and Information for Teens and Parents:

The question that stumps the most people in the year 2 Confirmation Exit Interview has been, “Describe to me the Sacrament of Confirmation. What is it?” The candidates are at the final stage of two years of preparation, and most aren’t quite sure.

This Sacrament is often confusing. The majority believe that Confirmation is us confirming our faith to God, and it is what makes us adults in the faith. Some even go as far to say that this is a graduation from faith formation, and unfortunately this belief often times become practiced. There has been a great decline in participation in faith during college aged years. Yet the Sacrament of Confirmation is much more than a graduation. Though it happens that the Diocese of San Diego has the Sacrament conferred at the age of 15, some dioceses it is celebrated as early as third grade (and even the Eastern Catholic Church celebrates chrismation/Confirmation as infants- to read more about the age differences click HERE). Confirmation is more about God maturing our faith than it is about our maturity in age. If we knew what the Sacrament of Confirmation really does, our lives would be forever changed.

This is a Sacrament, not where we confirm our faith (though we do profess and affirm the Creed)- but rather it is where God confirms our faith within us. In Baptism we are made children of God, but in Confirmation, the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit are stirred and sealed within us, so that we can enter into God’s mission- which is the salvation of souls. We get to become coworkers in God’s heavenly vineyard, and we are given the strength to share the Gospel and to evangelize to our friends, family, peers, and even strangers!

We will soon be celebrating Pentecost, which is when the Holy Spirit, the Advocate whom Christ speaks, comes upon the disciples in the upper room (read the verses in Acts). This is the birth of the early Church. These disciples, who were in fear because Jesus had ascended into Heaven, were filled with zeal at Pentecost. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the disciples were able to speak in the native languages of the peoples so that everyone could understand the Gospel message. Their boldness was mistaken for drunkenness.

It says in Acts 2:14-15, “Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and proclaimed to them, “You who are Jews, indeed all of you staying in Jerusalem. Let this be known to you, and listen to my words. These people are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning.” He continues in 2:38, “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” 3000 were baptized that day because of the Gospel message!

In Confirmation, we receive our own Pentecost, we are sent on the same mission as the Apostles! It is just the beginning of the faith journey, as we are entrusted with the divine task of sharing the Gospel. This is why we have the Sacrament of Confirmation, as we cannot do divine work without God’s grace. The Sacrament is conferred by anointing with Sacred Chrism, which is what was used to send soldiers out for battle. We are being sent out on a spiritual battle to rescue and bring back all our brothers and sisters into the loving arms of our Heavenly Father.

Additional Resources

Confirmation Slides from C2 Class

Misconceptions About Confirmation

Avoiding Errors in Confirmation Catechesis

Unpacking Confirmation, Baptism, and the Birth of the Church