Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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The Eucharist: Our Spiritual Nourishment

This week, we are talking about the next Sacrament of Initiation: the Eucharist. This very Sacrament is the Source and Summit of our faith- everything leads to the Eucharist. In this precious Sacrament, we receive Christ’s very own Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

Elementary Activities:

A Child’s Spiritual Communion Prayer

True Presence in the Eucharist Craft

Blessed Session: The Eucharist

Parent Pages: The Eucharist

Activities for Middle and High Schoolers:

Maybe you’ve heard of the phrase, “You are what you eat.” It’s not like you physically become the bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos or the cookie that accompanied your lunch, but it does affect you and your state of living. Eat well and you’ll tend to have good health. Eat poorly and eventually, actions have consequences.

We are our bodies and we are our souls. The Eucharist nourishes our soul. What we feed ourselves spiritually- aka the content we put in- will eventually have positive or negative effects on our soul. Christ gives us the Eucharist, his very life, to nourish us. When we feed on the very Body of Christ, we become the Body of Christ. We truly become the Church we ought to be. When we eat well, we have life within us.

The Eucharist nourishes and sustains us. If we stop physically eating, we become malnourished, and we cannot carry on with even simple daily tasks. If we stop spiritually eating, then we become spiritually malnourished. It is so hard for us to live a life of charity and love if we first don’t receive the Sacrament of Charity (aka the Eucharist).

One of the best videos I have seen about the Eucharist is found on Formed, called “God with Us” it’s a great quick snapshot of the importance of the Eucharist. Our parish has access to Formed. If you need help signing up, click here.

You can read about Eucharistic Miracles, by Bld. Carlo Acutis (he was 15 when he died, but prior to that dedicated his middle and high school years, researching Eucharistic miracles. He placed them in a website to show case). The miracles can be found here.

Read about the Liturgy of the Eucharist at Mass from Jeff Cavins.

Slides from the C1 Class on the Mass.