Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Viloria Family- What we love most about homeschooling...

To homeschool our children, is a true gift from above. It is a sacrifice, but to us, it is a joyful sacrifice and one we are willing to make daily! We were already sacrificing when we had our kids in a private catholic school, so sacrificing was never an issue for us. That’s what parents do! In homeschooling, we discovered something we thought would help slow down our current lifestyle and truly help us savor every moment we had with our children.

We prayed for a year while discerning, and took the leap of faith! Our discernment included, many hours before the Blessed Sacrament, a lot of research to make sure it was truly a great option, visiting other friends who were homeschooling, and coming out of our shells to discover a new homeschool community we were unaware of. Thanks to a great friend, who opened my eyes to homeschool, we can say today, it is truly what God wants for our family.

After 4 years of homeschooling, we have discovered that not only were we seeking a slower paced lifestyle for our children, but we also needed to learn to depend more on God. I decided to leave my fulltime career and dedicate my days to my kids. This was difficult for us to imagine being possible, but we were willing to sacrifice to give our kids what we thought would be best for them. Our leap of faith in God’s Plan for us, was rewarded in ways we did not imagine. Thanks be to God, He provided for us, and we are living well off of one salary, after moving to CA from a less expensive state. We have learned through this process, that if God wants something from you, He will always provide!! So we have also learned to live by faith and this is the greatest adventure of all! Because of this openness to His will, I have been given the grace to teach my kids subjects which I honestly never believed I would ever teach. Our kids are thriving not only academically, but in their social interactions with others, in their true love of other persons, and their constant seeking of the ultimate Truth.

We truly enjoy the flexibility in our schedule. We are able to make time for daily Mass, works of mercy, fellowship, personal interests/hobbies, and friendships.  Our main goal for our children is to teach them to always seek God through the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. We are blessed with an amazing parish that supports us in this pursuit. The homeschool groups that we belong to help us with being able to learn from more experienced families. They also help our children find long lasting friendships based on their mutual love of Christ.

Our main goal as parents is to get our children to heaven. If you’re seeking a different lifestyle that will provide your family with the ultimate adventure and personal growth in your love of Christ and each other, we recommend you truly consider catholic homeschooling as an option!

-Javier & Edith Viloria