Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Make the Most of This Gift

Most people will have more time on their hands because of this crisis. Yes, children will have to do some study from home and many people will be telecommuting. But study and work loads will be lighter. Society is slowing down. And this is an opportunity for us to use this extra time well.

A cloistered nun offers some basic suggestions, directed to a general audience, in this article: “I’m a nun and I’ve been social distancing for 29 Years.” Her advice is excellent: (1) You need to establish structure; (2) Be intentional and love others; and (3) Use this time for self-reflection and relaxation.

I’m not naive. I know that many people will spend their extra time playing video games, streaming movies, or —God help them—degrading and enslaving themselves by watching porn. There was a report that a large distributor of pornographic material was providing free premium services to Italians who were on lock down.

This website has a Learn More page that offers better ways to spend your time. I will be making more suggestions in the future. But for now, I strongly recommend reading a short classic by Alphonsus Ligouri entitled Uniformity with God’s Will. He expounds on a spiritual insight which is essential for becoming a mature Christian. That God works through all things to bring about his saving plan. What is happening now with this virus is precisely what we need most. If we draw close to God, we will see it and benefit greatly from it.