Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Exploring Education Alternatives

I have had dozens of conversations with parents who are concerned about the schools which their children attend. The concerns that they have raised include the following:

  • Mandatory vaccination for their children

  • Mandatory mask wearing for their children

  • Indoctrination in sexuality and gender ideology that contradicts the truth revealed by God

  • Teaching of Critical Race Theory

These concerns partially explain why there has been a large increase in homeschooling families across the nation and why many are contemplating alternatives to public education. We have a homeschool ministry at the parish which includes about 80 families. Other parents, for whom full-time homeschooling is not an option, have contacted me about the possibility of grouping together to hire teachers. With this in mind, I would like to have a discussion with interested parents. The purpose would be to hear the concerns of parents and to discern together about the alternatives to public education. Some homeschooling parents will be on hand to answer questions. The parish itself will not be making any arrangements for the education of the children, but is simply helping parish families to connect with each other for their own discernment and to make their own arrangements.