Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Night Prayer and Other Noteworthy Things

NIGHT PRAYER (COMPLINE). Scott and I have prepared resources to help your family pray together the last part of the Divine Office, called night prayer or compline. Watch the video below to find out more. Printed booklets can be picked up at the parish office during normal office hours.

VATICAN II: This past Tuesday, I began a series on the Second Vatican Council. Below is the recording of my first talk. Remaining talks be on Tuesdays at 7:15pm in the parish hall. To fully participate, you should read in advance the Vatican II document which will be discussed, which are as follows: March 21, The Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium), March 28, On the Church (Lumen Gentium), April 11, The Word of God (Dei Verbum), and April 18, The Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes). All of these are available online at the Vatican’s website, or can be purchased in an excellent print edition here.

JP CATHOLIC RADIO INTERVIEWS: JP Catholic Radio is broadcasting a series of interviews where I talk with special guests about their spiritual journey. More information about these can be found here.

SEX ABUSE LAWSUITS AND CONTEMPLATED BANKRUPTCY REORGANIZATION OF THE DIOCESE. Cardinal McElroy’s letter to pastors can be found here and FAQ’s can be found here.