To watch a video of the first class on the Existence of God, click here.
If you were absent this class, please watch the video above and complete the online quiz before the next class, link here.
The slides used by Fr. Anthony can be found here.
Below are videos that were shown at the class. For most of you, this was brand new information, and it was probably hard to process it all. I recommend you watch the videos (each one is only about five minutes long)a few times in order to better understand the arguments. Feel free to ask questions about them at the next class, or at any time.
I also mentioned two arguments against the existence of God. One of them is divine hiddenness. An excellent article on that topic can be found here. The other is the problem of evil, which I respond to in a video below.
At the second Confirmation 1 class, Father Anthony gave an overview of the entire Bible in his lesson on Salvation History. You can download his Power Point presentation here.
To watch a video presentation of Father Anthony’s lesson on Salvation History, click here.
If you were absent this class, please watch the video above and complete the online quiz (link here) before the next class.
At the third Confirmation 1 class, Fr. Anthony taught about the person of Jesus. You can download his Power Point presentation here. Please memorize all text in RED. You will be tested on this information at your next class. For those who were absent for this class, there will be a makeup quiz with the content on Salvation History (using the slides from the second class) at the next class.
If you were absent for this class, review Father Anthony’s slides (link here), watch the first 6 videos of the Luke playlist from the Bible Project (listed below), and complete a Google form quiz (link here) before the next class.
The Birth of Jesus- Gospel of Luke Ch. 1-2
At the fourth Confirmation 1 class, we discussed the Church and the Last Things. Below are the slides. The fill-in sheet can found HERE.
If you were absent from this class, please review the video presentation (HERE) and complete the Google for quiz (HERE) before the next class. See details for homework below.
1) Go to Confession before the next Class on 3/9/25.
2) Write a paragraph reflection with a game plan of making Heaven your goal. What will you do differently in your daily life? Submit your paragraph using the Google form link HERE.
At the fifth Confirmation 1 class, we discussed Baptism and Reconciliation. Below are the slides. The fill-in sheet can found HERE.
If you were absent for this class, please view the video presentation (link HERE) and complete the Google form quiz (link HERE).
Before next class (4/16), research one of the Eucharistic miracles on Blessed Carlo Acutis' page: and write a one paragraph summary of your findings. What did you find interesting or surprising?
Use the Google form (HERE) to submit your paragraph.