Confirmation Requirements 2024-25
OLMC 2024-25 Confirmation Program Overview
Why Confirmation
Confirmation, along with Baptism and the Eucharist, is a Sacrament of Initiation in the Catholic Church. It is usually received last, and completes one’s initiation. The first Confirmation was at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and they were given the grace and strength to spread the Gospel throughout the world. When we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, we receive that same outpouring of the Holy Spirit so we, too, may be able to share the Gospel and bring others to the love of Christ.
Points of Contact
Father Anthony Saroki - Pastor
Junior Coronel – Pastoral Associate / Director of Youth Discipleship / 858-324-0490 Ext. 316
Stay Informed
Sign up for the Parish Flocknote:
Check the High School Website for Calendar, Forms, and Class Content:
Confirmation formation is a two year process, usually during a teen’s freshman and sophomore years in high school. All candidates are required to attend all Youth nights, Confirmation classes, and retreats. Confirmation sessions are designed to give the candidates a basic understanding of the tenets of the Catholic Faith. Youth nights will include fun activities, prayer, and consideration of issues especially relevant to teens
Attendance and Requirements
Basic Track: 12 Classes (5:30-6:30pm on Sundays)
6 classes per year, about 1x a month during school year
Discipleship Track (Meetings determined by group leader)
2x a month during school year, 1x a month during summer
Youth Nights: 7 events (5:30-7:00pm on Sundays)
C1 Introductory Retreat and C2 Final Retreat
2nd year, final exit interview
Attendance at Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation
10 hours per year of service