Discipleship Groups
OLMC Discipleship Groups consists of 3-5 people, led by a mentor. They meet eight times as a small group. The purpose of the group is to:
Encounter Jesus Christ in Scripture
Enjoy friendship in Christ
Learn what it means to be a missionary disciples of Jesus
Learn how to develop the habits of a disciple: (1) daily prayer, (2) fruitful reception of the Sacraments, (3) ongoing study, (4) fasting/self-denial, (5) intentional virtue growth, (6) fellowship, (7) generous sharing of time, talent, and treasure, and (8) evangelization.
Hundreds have completed a discipleship group. Of those responding to a survey, sixty-nine percent said it improved their life a great deal, and twenty-seven percent said it improved their life a lot. Here are some of their comments:
The experience helped me to improve my prayer life through discipline to carry out my discipleship plan with commitment to do them faithfully. My spiritual life has improved a lot. Reading the scripture daily is the most exciting part of my day.
A beautiful, realistic, and effective program to learn how to live as a disciple of Christ, thank you!
Felt this renewed my commitment with God. Also grateful because provided unique friendships in which I can talk about God without being judged.
The next groups will begin early November. Last day to register is October 31. Interested parishioners can apply using the link below.