OLMC Elementary Faith Formation Policies

Dear Parents,

I am very excited for this upcoming year of faith formation.  Our staff, volunteers, and curriculum are excellent.  Please read through this booklet carefully.  You will note the scheduled Family Prayer, Family Nights, and Parent Nights, at which your attendance is expected.

Through prayer and study, we deepen our communion with the Triune God, and from that deeper communion we are better able to live virtuously and share the faith with others.  

The most important prayer is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Jesus is there, opening up the Scriptures, breaking the Bread, and offering himself to the Father for our salvation.  Please make Mass attendance on Sundays and Holy Days a top priority. 

You are the first and most important teachers of the Faith.  God has given your children to you so that you can help them know, love, and serve Him.   The best lessons you teach are by example.  I leave you with some words from Moses which were cited by our Lord.   

Hear, O Israel!  The Lord is our God, the Lord alone!  Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength.  Take to heart the words which I command you today.  Keep repeating them to your children.  (Deuteronomy 6:4-6)

Your in Christ,

Fr. Anthony Saroki, Pastor 

Religious Education Program Policies

FIRST TIME REGISTRATION: To register in our program, families must first be registered in the parish.    All new students must submit a copy of their baptismal certificate to the parish office.

RETURNING REGISTRATION:  Returning students must re-register each year as we cannot hold spaces.

Fees: Fees are payable upon registration and are non-refundable once the classes have begun.  Families who need tuition assistance should contact the Coordinator.

The student fees are listed on the registration form which is located on the parish website.    

Sacraments:  In addition to the student fee there will be a $25 supply fee for all those in their second year of sacramental preparation and who will be receiving a sacrament (Reconciliation & Eucharist) at the end of the current faith formation year.

ATTENDANCE:  We allow 2 unexcused absences.  More than 2 absences will be followed up with an email from the Coordinator. Parents are asked to contact the Coordinator of your child’s faith formation  if your child will be absent from class.  We will continuously review attendance.

ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL:  We ask that students arrive on time so as to avoid interruption/disruption of other students.  For your children’s own safety, parents must accompany their child to the classroom and child may not be left in/outside classroom if the catechist is not present.  Children who arrive without a parent will be sent to the Coordinator, and therefore may be marked “absent”.  Children are also to be picked up at the classroom.  No child will be allowed to leave the classroom without the parent/adult designee meeting them at the door.

Adult Authorization:  For the children’s own safety, parents must complete the Adult Authorization form to indicate which adults are authorized to pick up each child at the end of class.  catechist will only release children to those adults listed on the form.

Early dismissal:  In a case where you must take your child out of class earlier, we ask that you let the Coordinator or catechist know prior to picking up the student. 

 NOTE: It is imperative that parents pick up their child or children within 15 minutes of class ending. 

DISCIPLINE:  Respectful and considerate behavior of others is expected of each child.  Students must be respectful to their catechists, classmates, classroom, and church property.  Appropriate dress is required.  No hats, gum, or food will be allowed during class sessions.  Personal electronic devices or toys do not belong in the classroom and will be confiscated if in use.  Parents will need to pick up electronics from the catechist or Coordinator.

BOOK CHECKS:  Each student will be responsible for reading each chapter assigned and completing the workbook pages that correspond.  Completed pages need to be initialed and dated by parents.  Books will be checked three times through out the year to make sure all assignments are being completed.

MAKE UP ASSIGNMENTS:  If a child misses a session, please be sure to have your child complete the chapter work that was covered in the session missed.    

MASS is a vital part of our Catholic faith.  Each child will be expected to attend weekly Sunday Mass.  It will be the parents’ responsibility, as the first teacher of their children’s faith education, to make sure the children attend Mass every Sunday

Sunday Mass Schedule:   

                          Saturday: 5:30 p.m.

                          Sunday:  8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:15 (Spanish) & 4:30 p.m.    


FAMILY NIGHT:  Family Night is an important part of our Faith Formation program, and is mandatory for all students and parents.  Please see class calendar for designated dates and times. 

FAMILY PRAYER:  Family Prayer is a short period of family prayer in the Church.  It will take place at the end of classes Catechist will walk the students over to the Worship Space, where they will meet their families and enter into a time of prayer together.  Students will have class instruction before the prayer time.  There are a total of four evenings of Family Prayer through out the year.

PARENT NIGHTS:  Parent Nights consist of two evenings in which parents will attend a 45min talk while their child(ren) is/are in class.  Parents and  students will conclude the evening with Family prayer.

E1 & CIC MEET & GREET:  All families of those students who are in  the Eucharist 1 (E1) class are required to meet with a Faith Formation team member once in the Faith Formation year.  Meetings will be no longer than 30min and will be an opportunity for the Coordinator or other team member to meet and to get to know better the families they are serving and for the families to get to know better the team.  Designated dates and times will be given by the Coordinator for families to sign up.

HEALTH INFORMATION:  Please inform the office regarding any health concerns or needs that may affect your child during religious education classes.  This information will be shared with your child’s catechist.

ILLNESS:  If a child becomes ill during their religious education class, he/she will be sent to the parish office in the care of the Religious Education team.  The parent or guardian or emergency reference will be notified to pick up the child.

HOME STUDY:  For families who are unable to enroll their children in the in person faith formation classes due to conflict or other reasons, please speak with the Coordinator about the home study  option.

SPECIAL NEEDS:  Please inform the Coordinator or parish office of any special needs you children may have, whether it be health, communication, or educational.  This information will be shared with your child’s catechist.

Parents of Eucharist 1 (E1) and CIC students, in addition to the requirements posted above, are to complete their Meet & Greet requirement, as well as to read with their child, the Blessed: First Reconciliation,  complete the activity pages, and watch the videos for each section.  Completed pages will be submitted virtually (via email) to the Coordinator on the weeks of the scheduled book checks.

Parents of Eucharist 2 (E2) and CIC students, in addition to the requirements posted above, will read with their child, the Blessed: First Communion, complete the activity pages, and watch the videos for each section.  Completed pages will be submitted virtually (via email) to the Coordinator on the weeks of the scheduled book checks.

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