Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Easter Octave Family Activities

Happy Easter! Christ is Risen Alleluia!

The Easter Season is 50 days long, ending with the celebration of Pentecost, but these 8 days are especially joyful as we celebrate the Easter Octave!

During this time, we encourage the family to continue to celebrate the joy of the Resurrection.

Activities for Elementary Aged Children:

Color by Number Cross

Easter Calendar

Easter Rocks

Easter Cards (3-5)

Easter Cards (6-9)

Easter Tea

Activities for Middle and High Aged Teens:

Praise be to God! Even in the moments that seem the darkest, Christ still brings light through the glory of his Resurrection! This week among all the strife is a good week to sit outside and take in the beauty of creation. One day this week, wake up before sunrise and sit outside or find a window and watch the sunrise. Take a journal or a piece of paper and write some of the ways that your have been blessed.

Article: The Joy of the Easter Season

Here is a Scriptural study on the readings from Easter Sunday by Jeff Cavins.