2025 Lent & Easter Schedule of Events
Ash Wednesday: March 5, Mass at 8am & 7pm | Liturgy of the Word & Ashes Distribution at Noon, 4pm & 5:30pm
(Ashes are distributed at all services)
Stations of the Cross: Each Friday during lent following 5:30pm Mass. March 7, 21, 28, Apr. 4, Good Friday at Noon
(There will be no Stations of the Cross on Encounter Fridays)
Children’s Stations of the Cross: Outdoor in the Parking Lot: March 7, 14, 21, Apr. 4, & 11 at 4:30pm
Encounter: Friday, March 14 & April 11 at 7pm
St. Joseph Feast Day: Wednesday, March 19, 5:30pm Mass & Reception & (Pre-Paid Ticket) Spaghetti Dinner to follow in parish hall
Fish Fry: Friday, March 28 & April 4 following the 5:30pm Mass in the parish hall
Extra Confession Dates/Time at OLMC: Wednesdays, April 2, 9 & 16 from 6:15-7:15pm
Penance Service at other parishes:
Wed. Mar. 12 at 7pm- St. Timothy
Thurs. Mar 13 at 4pm & 6:30pm- St. Mary
Mon. Mar. 17 at 7pm- St. Stephen
Wed. Mar. 19 at 7pm- Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mon. Mar. 24 at 7pm- St. Gregory the Great
Wed. Mar. 26 at 7pm- Good Shepherd
Tues. Apr.17 at 7pm- San Rafael
Tues. Apr. 8 at 6:30pm- St. Gabriel
Wed. Apr. 9 at 7pm- St. Michael
Thurs Apr. 10 at 7pm- Resurrection
Palm Sunday: April 13
Holy Thursday*: April 17: Mass at 7pm. Adoration follows in the parish hall until 10pm (No 8am Mass, No Adoration during the day)
*No confessions will be heard Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday.
Good Friday: April 18, Stations of the Cross at Noon | Liturgy of the Word with Veneration of the Cross 3pm, 5pm & 7pm
Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil: April 19 at 8pm
Easter Sunday: April 20, Masses at 6:30am, 8am, 10am (w/incense), Noon, 2pm(Spanish), 4:30pm.
(Salubong procession gather at 5:30am near Discipleship Center.)