
ALTAR SERVERS—Assist with the celebration of Holy Eucharist and other Liturgies. Must be at least 9 years old and have received First Holy Communion to be eligible. . Click here for more information: OLMC Altar Servers
Contact: Fr. Gabriel for more information or to submit your application.

ART AND ENVIRONMENT—Takes care of ordering flowers for the church, cleaning linens, and decorating the church.                Contact:

CHOIR—Dedicated music ministries to help lead the community in sung prayer, in all masses. All interested singers and instrumentalists are welcome. Rehearsals once a week.    Contact: Scott Camden           

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST—Distribute Holy Communion at the Sunday Mass. Must be a fully initiated and practicing catholic.    Contact:

HOSPITALITY— Hospitality Minister plays an important role in greeting our parish family and visitors to Mass. A winning smile coupled with attentiveness and kindness will create the spirit of welcome for all. Contact: Martha Perez

LECTORS—Proclaim the Scriptures and read commentary, intercessions and announcements at Mass. If you love to read aloud or speak in public and have a strong desire to increase your contribution to our parish community, you would be an excellent choice to help us. Contact: For an application, please click HERE.