OLMC Mental Health Ministry
Mission Statement - The team’s mission is to serve individuals and families experiencing mental illness by offering God’s hope and love through encouragement, practical support and prayer.
OLMC Mental Health Ministry
Who we are: Caring OLMC volunteers who are trained and collaborate with the Catholic Diocese of San Diego to listen, pray, and provide mental health resources to individuals and families of the parish and community. We do not diagnose, but connect you with professional and/or community services and follow-up to ensure these meet your needs.
We provide mental wellness educational opportunities at the parish to increase awareness, understanding, compassion and advocacy for our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.
Reduce the stigma: 1 in 5 individuals will face a behavioral / emotional concern that may require intervention. The brain is a part of the body like the heart and when it becomes ill, it may require medical attention, medication and prayer to achieve mental wellness.
NOTE: The Mental Health Ministry of OLMC is not an emergency response team. To be in contact with OLMC Mental Health Click here: OLMC Mental Health Ministry
We will respond to your email within 3 business days.
Saints that Struggled with Mental Illness
If you are interested in joining the Mental Health Volunteer Team: Contact us at olmcmentalhealth@gmail.com