Charismatic Prayer Group -  A monthly gathering to give praise, thanks, honor and love to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  We gather as a community to praise God as the Holy Spirit moves us.  Meets every 3rd Monday of the month. Contact:

Carmelite Third Order—(Sometimes called Lay Carmelites) belong to the Carmelite Order, a contemplative community committed to remain focused on Christ through prayer and good works. Contact:

Hearts of Fire Ministry-
: Evening of Adoration and healing prayer, 2nd Friday of most months.
Healing prayer:
available by appointment. (Parishioners only) Contact:

Holy Trinity Prayer Group—Propagate Eucharistic Adoration through piety, study and action. Meets for First Friday and Bible study, as well as family home adoration. Contact:

Prayer Quilters—Meets monthly to prepare prayer quilts which are presented to people in need of prayers. Contact    

Crafters Ministry—Members meet occasionally to make small gifts for OLMC's homebound parishioners, make baby items for Life Choices and Birthline, scarves and hats for Father Joe's homeless outreach program and other projects as needs arise.  Contact: Wendy Clark