2025 Scheduled Dates & Times

All Events are on Wednesday or Thursday unless otherwise noted.
 Check the “Church EVENTS” page monthly for start times and location.   *DC = Disciple Center

January 23     Thursday Evening 7-9 P.M.   “Birthday Bash” (*DC 102/104)

February 12   Wednesday Day Time 1-3 P.M.  Valentine party- (*DC #102/104)

March 13       Thursday Evening 7-9 P.M.  Bunco (*DC 102/104)

April 9            Wednesday Daytime 12:00 P.M. -3:00 P.M. Stations of the Cross & Lunch

May 15           Thursday Evening 7-9 P.M. “May Crowning of Blessed Virgin Mary” (DC 102/104)

June 11           Wednesday Daytime Picnic off Campus TBA 12:00 to 3:00 P.M.

July 10            Thursday Evening 7-9 P.M.  Baby Shower for Life Choices (*DC 102/104)

August 20      Wednesday Daytime 1:00 P.M.-3 P.M. “Game Day (*DC 102/104)

Sept. 18          Thursday Evening 7-9 P.M.  “Movie Night” (*DC 102/104   Collect items for Rachel’s Center or Fr. Anthony Speaker

October 15    Wednesday Daytime 11A.M.–2:00 P.M.  Pumpkin Decorating (*DC 102/104)

Nov. 13          Thursday Evening 7-9 P.M. “Movie Night” (*DC 102-104)  Collect items for Rachel’s Center or Fr. Anthony Speaker 

Dec. 8             8:00 A.M. Mass- (Holy Day) Christmas Breakfast Party to follow. (*DC 102/104)
Suggestion: Bring Grocery Gift Card or nonperishable donation for Parish Pantry.

For more information contact: olmcourladies@gmail.com