Confirmation is a sacrament in which the Holy Spirit is given to strengthen the baptized faithful and help them share and defend the faith. Adults who missed Confirmation during their youth can attend 12 classes to prepare them to be confirmed in May.
Adult Confirmation is for those who missed Sacrament of Confirmation or have not yet not been confirmed.
Each confirmation candidate needs a sponsor. The Sponsor Form can be found below and must be filled in the presence of a Priest/Deacon. Candidates should provide reliable phone numbers and email address for future communications of announcements, reminders and make-up assignments in case they miss class.
CONFIRMATION DATE is Sunday, June 1, 2025 at 6:30pm. Rehearsal is Friday, May 30 at 6:30pm.
You will find the sponsor form here: SPONSOR/GODPARENT FORM (Please download this form. Do not submit electronically.)
Instructions for Parishioners
Fill out the top portion, then come to parish office to complete in person. This portion must be completed by the individual requesting to be a sponsor. Since this is an affidavit, you may not fill this out for someone else.
Instructions for Non-Parishioners
Fill out top portion, then complete bottom portion with your home parish