*****Please note that all students registered in OLMC Faith Formation must have their baptism certificate on file.
If you are new to our program, your child will not be officially registered until we have their baptism certificate on file.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Preschool & Kindergarten)
“If we want to help the child draw nearer to God, we should with patience and courage seek to go always closer to the vital nucleus of things. This requires study and prayer. The child will be our teacher if we know how to observe.” Sofia Cavalletti
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is an approach to religious formation that is rooted in scripture, the Church liturgy, and Montessori Principles. OLMC has been offering this program for several years now, however, this method has been used in parishes around the world for over 50 years.
Sessions for this next year will be offered on campus. We will offer three level 1 (3-5 years old) sessions; each session will be limited to a maximum of ten children. Children will be registered for and attend one session per week. Please refer to the calendar below for dates and times.
For more information contact Cindy Tobin.
Elementary Faith Formation Grades 1-5
Our Elementary Faith Formation is designed to aid in cultivating and fostering the Catholic faith in children ages 1st through 5th grades. Children will work through the Faith and Life Series curriculum, by which they are instructed in the beliefs and practices of their Catholic faith. Our goal is to give each child an opportunity to personally encounter Jesus Christ through the awe and wonderment before the Living God and his Word.
This year our Elementary Faith Formation will be back on campus. We will be using the Faith and Life curriculum through Ignatius Press. This program offers great content through interactive readings, games, videos, quizzes and more. Each student will be placed in a class with a Catechist who will be available for instruction, resources, and additional help. Students’ progress will also be tracked though out the year; there are three formal book checks scheduled to assure students are keeping on task and to help prevent anyone from falling behind. A calendar of lessons will be provided so the child knows by which date each lesson should be completed. There will also be two Family Nights, four Prayer Nights, & two Parent Nights throughout the year; attendance for these events are required for all registered students. The dates and times for these events are on the Faith Formation calendar posted below.
For those students who will be participating in our Sacramental Preparation (Eucharist 1 and Eucharist 2), additional requirements are as follows:
Eucharist 1 (E1):
An additional sacrament workbook, Blessed: First Reconciliation through Dynamic Catholic publication. Parents of E1 students are to complete a Meet & Greet with a parish staff member. These meetings will take place in person and will be no longer than 30 minutes. Parents will also need to attend the E1 Retreat with Fr. Anthony; the date for this can be found on the Faith Formation calendar below.
Eucharist 2 (E2):
An additional sacrament workbook, Blessed: First Communion through Dynamic Catholic publication.