The Way to Nagasaki: A Journey of Catholicism
Parishioners Wayne and Michelle Kishimoto, were deeply inspired by the story of Servant of God Dr. Takashi Nagai (1908–1951). Last June, they embarked on a pilgrimage to Nagasaki, Japan, to explore the rich history of Catholicism in the region and the profound sacrifices made by early Christians in the face of severe persecution. During their presentation, Wayne and Michelle will share the remarkable sacrifices of Japan’s Christian martyrs, including St. Paul Miki, St. Lorenzo Ruiz, and St. Philip of Jesus, the first Mexican saint. Additionally, they will discuss their experiences at Dr. Takashi Nagai’s home and museum, the Atomic Bomb Museum and Hypocenter, and St. Maximilian Kolbe Hongouchi Church and Memorial Museum, as well as a Lourdes grotto in Hongouchi.