Family Feature Friday: National Treasure

For the family feature Friday I wanted to find a good family movie for July 4th, so this week the movie is National Treasure (2004). It is rated PG and runs 2hr and 11 min. It can be rented or purchased HERE.

The movie is about a family with a historical secret that has been passed down that may or may not lead to the world's greatest treasure. This movie is just a fun  action/adventure movie where the absurdity of the plot matches Nicholas Cage's acting style. Plus, it has the added benefit of the protagonists treating American history and its symbols with awe and respect, which I thought would be welcome today. One note on the movie, there is some lore about the Freemasons and stuff behind it in the movie. If your child is curious at all about that stuff, it is best to tell them that to be part in any way with Masonic activity is a mortal sin. There was a Papal decree in 1983 that excommunicates all Mason members. Other than any specific question about the Masons, you can just tell your kid that the movie is historical fiction and there is no physical great treasure hidden away.

1. What steps do Ben and Riley take to try to stop Ian from stealing the Declaration of Independence? Did they exhaust all options before stealing it themselves? Actions can be sins, but can inaction be a sin as well?

2. Ben chases after a great treasure that not even his own father thinks is real. Society laughs and looks down on him; and his historical peers do not take him seriously. Yet, he never gives up hope. What treasure do we chase that other people may laugh at us for chasing? Should we ever stop hoping for this treasure, even if it means that society accepts us? What did Ben have that kept him believing in the treasure even with minimal evidence? (Faith, and he says hope a lot)

3. Ian can be a great metaphor for Satan. Few people really believe God exists, and in the movie, few people believe Ben that the treasure exists. However, Ian believes Ben that the treasure exists, and Satan does believe that God exists. In the movie, how does Ian try to tempt Ben into stealing the Declaration of Independence? (A: he tells him "I understand your bitterness... you should be able to rub this treasure in their arrogant faces, and I want you to have the chance to do that") How can Satan similarly tempt us to do something wrong in the name of God? Do we sometimes feel frustrated that good does not triumph more in this world?

4. What signs of awe and respect do Ben and Abigail show towards historical sites and symbols throughout the movie? What inspires this admiration in them?

5.  In the movie, several times reference what the founders did as brave. The first clue which has the phrase "iron pen" references the bravery required of the men who signed the Declaration. Why was bravery required to sign the Declaration?

6. Reflect on how this Bible verse relates to the movie.

Matthew 13:44
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."