three children of Fatima: Lúcia Santos, and St. Francisco and St. Jacinta Marto
"Oh my Jesus, forgive our sins. Save us from the fires of Hell. Lead all souls into heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy".
Happy feast of Our Lady of Fatima! Today is the 103rd anniversary of the Apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, Portugal. This apparition has special significance today for us and our children. It is a great way to introduce a Marian devotion to your children if they do not have one already.You can also watch the Fatima movie on Formed.
Our Lady of Fatima appeared to 3 children. At the time their mother didn't even believe them, but today, the apparitions are recognized and approved by the Church. There is unique relevance today, because in the series of apparitions to the children, WW2 was predicted, as well as the death of 2 of the 3 children. They were predicted to go into heaven, and sure enough, a few years later 2 of the 3 children died of the Spanish Flu, which was the great pandemic that world had to deal with 100 years ago.
Our Lady of Fatima asked several things of us herself. She asked us to pray for the sinners. She said that many souls perish in Hell because not enough people pray for sinners. We have been called to pray a lot and to "make sacrifices" as a form of prayer for the sinners. This includes self-mortification similar to the sacrifices we make during Lent. These can be small like not hitting the snooze button on the alarm. The children of Fatima even abstained from water on hot days.
Pope Francis has implored the church today to ask our Lady of Fatima for the end of corona-virus. He has asked that we make this month have a more concerted effort to pray daily. Please pray the rosary today for the end of coronavirus. You can also pray it with Fr. Anthony from the virtual crowning from earlier today below: