St. Gianna Molla


Happy Feast of St. Gianna Molla! She is a 20th century saint, a saint of our time! She is known for her witness to life, even until the very end of hers. She loved her family and served as a pediatrician to the community. St. Gianna is the patron saint of mothers, physicians, and preborn children. Her heroic witness reminds us of the many medical professional and mothers today, who are fighting this pandemic in the hospitals and in the homes! St. Gianna Molla, pray for us!

Read a little more about her life and her example in holiness.

Activities for Young Family:

Doctor Forms (and Doctor Station for Kids)

DIY Doctor Coat

Doctor Mask and Stethoscope Craft

Thank You Doctors and Nurses Coloring Page

Activities for Older Kids:

St. Gianna is a great example for both mothers and for medical professional. She chose to defend and advocate for life, even until the very end of her life. Learn more about St. Gianna’s example.

Pray the St. Gianna Novena for the end of Covid-19 and for pro-life efforts.

As we are looking for a vaccine for Covid-19, we want to ensure that we are using ethical means for obtaining this medical research. We look to be pro-life in all our efforts. A Call to Action: Demand a COVID-19 Vaccine Free from Abortion

*Parents, you can also read an ebook about her on Formed.