CRAFTERS MINISTRY—Members meet occasionally to make small gifts for OLMC's homebound parishioners, make baby items for Life Choices and Birthline, scarves and hats for Father Joe's homeless outreach program and other projects as needs arise. Contact: Wendy Clark olmccrafters@gmail.com
OLMC Cursillo- The Cursillo Movement is a lay movement within the Catholic Church that shares the fundamentals of being a Christian as an individual and as a community. For more information contact: olmccursillo@gmail.com
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS*—A men’s fraternal organization whose primary goal is service to the church and community. Open to all men 18 years of age and older, who have been recommended by a current Knight. Contact: olmcknights@gmail.com
KofC Website - http://www.kofc9665.org
MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE- Responsible for overseeing the various ways in which the parish helps its parishioners live the
vocation of family life as the basic social unit ordained by God for human flourishing and the salvation of souls. Contact: olmcmfl@gmail.com (Click here for MFL Webpage)
FAMILY MINISTRY (J24): olmcfamilyministry@gmail.com
OLMC MEN—Builds the faith and increases the cohesion among the men of our parish, share and grow our understanding of our Catholic faith. Contact: olmcmensgroup@gmail.com (Click here for MEN’S GROUP webpage)
OLMC WOMEN 50+ MINISTRY- Offer women opportunities to build relations through social and spiritual events.
Contact: olmcourladies@gmail.com (Click here for WOMEN'50 + MINISTRY webpage)
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY- For more information on OLMC Young Adult Ministry click here: OLMCYAM
OLMC now has a Young Adult Ministry for ages 18-28 & 29-39.
Young Adults 18-28 year old group contact: olmcyam92129@gmail.com.
Young Adult Ministry ages 29-39, contact olmcyam29.39@gmail.com
LEGION OF MARY*- Continues the ministry of the Blessed Virgin Mary as started at the Annunciation by bringing Christ to the world through home visits, personal outreach, and distribution of Christian literature. Contact: olmclegionofmary@gmail.com
*The Knights of Columbus and Legion of Mary are not part and not acting on behalf of the parish or Arch/Diocese.