The goal of OLMC’s Men’s Ministry is to cultivate authentic Christian masculinity and fraternity. We seek to engage men by connecting three innate desires (an adventure to live, a battle to fight, and a beauty to cherish) to the Catholic faith. We help men to understand and better live their vocation to provide, protect, and guide. The Men’s group meets the first Saturday of each month, beginning with 8am Mass and followed by a breakfast gathering. The meetings alternate between two types. One month we do an activity such as hiking, surf lessons, and self-defense training. The next month we have a talk/presentation. Meetings are open to any Christian man (and those interested in Christianity) and their sons ages nine and older. Once per year we have a Kingdom Quest, an overnight outdoor adventure that involves learning and applying outdoor skills to tackle a series of challenges. It requires teamwork, determination, and faith. KINGDOM MEN are a select group that, after discernment, have made the public commitment as described below. For more information about OLMC Men’s Ministry, e-mail

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Quaerite Primum Regnum Dei (“Seek First the Kingdom of God”)


A Kingdom Man is a fully initiated, Catholic Christian man, who commits to the following:

·         Total obedience to Jesus Christ, Lord and King, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen Mother

·         Frequent the Sacraments, pray, fast, study, evangelize, and serve

·         Fight against evil and strive to live virtuously

·         Be a servant leader to those entrusted to his care, to guide, protect, and provide for them, laying down his life to help them become holy and enter heaven

·         Cultivate Christ-centered masculinity and fraternity 

Kingdom men commit to pray the Rosary daily, fifteen minutes of meditation/conversation with God, visit the Blessed Sacrament once per week (apart from Sunday Mass), confess at least once every other month.

Fast on Wednesdays and Fridays (unless a solemnity) by one of the following:  (1) skip a meal, (2) abstain from meat, (3) abstain from sweets, OR (4) take a cold shower.

Spend at least one hour per week studying the faith.

Endeavor to share the faith with those in their circles of influence (family, friends, co-workers, fellow parishioners). 

Serve in at least one parish ministry.

Fight against evil first and foremost within his self.  He recognizes the tactics of the enemy and makes use of every human and supernatural means to overcome temptation.  He seeks to be a man of justice, temperance, prudence, fortitude, faith, hope, and charity. 

Embrace his God-given leadership, which after the example of Christ is servant-leadership, and pursue excellence in guiding, protecting, and providing for those that God has entrusted to his care.  For the married man and father, that means first of all his wife and children.   He sacrifices his selfish desires to help them grow in holiness and enter heaven. 

Cultivate Christ-centered masculinity and fraternity by learning what these mean as they are being rediscovered through the Catholic men’s movement.  The monthly Men’s Group meeting provide resources for this, as does the Kingdom Quest.  Men’s Group meetings take place after First Saturday Mass as an expression of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, requested by Our Lady at Fatima.  Each Kingdom Man is strongly encouraged to make a Kingdom Quest.

Kingdom men meet in pairs monthly for support, encouragement, and accountability.