Staples Family- What I love most about homeschooling...

I am a fellow parishioner and have been blessed to be married to my husband Tim for almost 20 years. August 26th is our Anniversary. God has blessed us with seven kids here on earth and we have two in heaven. When we had only three children I started asking everyone to pray for our discernment as to how we would move forward with educating our children. Timmy was 4, Luke was 2 and our little Rose was just a few months old when I was sitting at Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary in Little Italy. 

After the Mass, one of the three Sisters of Charity whom were sitting behind me came around my pew and sat right next to me. She said, "You have beautiful children. You need to do your best to keep them as pure and holy as possible." I responded, "Well Sister, I'm certainly going to try." She said, "no, you need to home school." After she walked away from me, I asked one of her fellow sisters what her name was and she said, "Her name is Sister Lumen." I never saw her again as she was sent to Calcutta not long after we met.  It is interesting how the good Lord likes to answer my prayers in very obvious ways sometimes! :)

Home schooling isn't for everyone and I would never say it is, but it is the best option to keep your child as close to the Lord and as pure in mind and body as possible. The main reason for this is that, you and your spouse love your children more than any other human person and you want heaven for them more so than any Catholic school teacher and definitely more than any public school teacher wants for your child. 

As home school parents you can start the day, mark the middle of the day and the mid-afternoon with prayer. You can choose to take the kids to Mass several times a week, or even every day if you can, and you will make memories and create stronger bonds than you could if they were at school. 

My friend Kimberly Hahn made this point to me years ago when Tim and I were newly weds. I asked her, "Why would I home school if I have a great Catholic school right down the street?" She answered, "If your child is gone 7 or 8 hours a day, then they have home work, then they have their chores, then they may have sports, then they have to go to bed; when do you have time to get to know them?" Needless to say, I couldn't respond. 

These are the main reasons why I choose to home school. Our oldest son is special needs and he is enrolled in a non-sectarian private special needs school but the other 6 will be home with me this upcoming school year and I will be schooling 4 out of the 6. I know if I can do this anyone can! 

Your Sister in Christ,

Valerie A. Staples