Annual Catholic Appeal 2025
/In last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus instructed his disciples in the way of mercy. Mercy is love’s response to evil and suffering. Mercy is patient with failings and reaches out to supply what is lacking. The Church gives us an illustrative list of corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Each of us should be conscientious about practicing these.
The most effective works of mercy involve the cooperation of many people and rely on organization and funding. The Catholic Church has operated countless ministries to help people in every imaginable way, and no other institution has done as much good as the Catholic Church. It’s not even close.
We are asking you to donate some of your hard-earned money to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Each parish is assigned a portion of the total appeal goal. This money will go to support works of mercy carried out by our local church, the Diocese of San Diego. I know that some of you have concerns about how the Diocese spends your donations, but I am confident that the money raised in the ACA is well spent. It will help Catholic schools in the poorest of neighborhoods, fund evangelization and faith formation, support the formation of seminarians and the care of elderly priests, and help Catholic Charities.
Please use one of the brochures in the church or click the link below to make your generous pledge. Brochure envelopes with checks can be dropped off at any weekend Mass in the collection boxes. “Give and gifts will begiven to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” (Luke 6:38)