Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Holy Week

Holy Week begins this Sunday with Palm Sunday. Each year, the Church relives Jesus’ last days. Normally, we do that principally through the celebration of the Holy Week liturgies. Here is the plan for this year’s Holy Week.

  1. April 5, Palm Sunday. Join us virtually for a live streamed Mass at 9am. Link will be posted on the website front page.

  2. Blessed palms will be available for pickup in the church Monday-Wednesday, 9am to 5pm. They will be spread out over several tables right as you enter the glass doors. Please observe social distancing. One person from each household can take a palm branch for each member of the household THIS IS FOR PARISHIONERS OF OLMC ONLY. We have enough palms for each parishioner.

  3. Getting to Good Friday. Fr. Anthony will create short video meditations on Palm Sunday, the Anointing of Jesus at Bethany, Judas’ Betrayal, and the Last Supper. There will be no live stream of Holy Thursday Mass.

  4. April 10, Good Friday. Join us for live stream service in English at 3pm and in Spanish at 5pm.

  5. April 12, Easter Sunday. Join us for live stream Mass in English at 9am and Spanish at 11am.

  6. The church will be closed Good Friday through Holy Saturday. Church will be open for individual prayer on Easter Sunday from 1pm to 7pm. There will be no confessions April 10-12. There will be confessions Wednesday of Holy Week (April 8), from 2pm-4pm. Confessions will resume after Easter on Wed., Fri., Sat., and Sun. from 2-4pm.

  7. Plans are being made to drive the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of PQ on Easter Sunday from 1pm - 5pm. We are working on a way to have a tracking map of the procession so that you can, from your homes, come outside to briefly adore Jesus as He passes by. Details will be provided later.