Parish Outreach Report


Last week staff completed calling all 2,900 registered parish families. Here’s a few of the highlights:

  • Parishioners were grateful for the call and many expressed gratitude for the online content put out by the parish.

  • Many of you have volunteered to help. Thank you :) We compiled the names and offers to help in a database. We will keep these in mind as needs arise.

  • Many shared prayer requests. These have been forwarded to various parish groups dedicated to intercessory prayer. Prayer requests will be compiled in a notebook to be placed near the altar for live streamed Easter Sunday masses.

  • The staff really appreciated connecting with parishioners. Staff members bonded with each other through this project, which involved more logistical planning and time than you might imagine.

Going forward, we have more online content in the works. Faith formation at every level is continuing through various means. We anticipate that as this lock down continues, people will be under stresses of various kinds. We will be streamlining a way for parishioners to make phone or video conferencing appointments with clergy and members of the pastoral staff for prayer and support. We are also planning to set up a social network just for parish members that will help them connect with one another.

Every day I am reminded of the goodness of God and of those who love and serve Him. Soon, we will be celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, the ultimate triumph of light over darkness, life over death, love over selfishness, and liberty over bondage.