Mighty Network Changes


Several months ago we launched a parish social media platform through Mighty Network. While there has been some very worthwhile interactions on the platform, we have noticed that many of you don’t use it very much. We’ve spent some time getting input and thinking about how to improve user experience of and engagement in our Mighty Network. Here are a few things we will be implementing starting today.

(1) All group members can do a quick post in their group. That means you can post an article, video, link, image, or text. If you haven’t joined any MN groups, please review the groups that are available and click “Request to Join.” Also, if you have an idea for creating a new group based on shared interests, please message Maria D’Amato with your idea.

(2) We will have more posts that help parishioners to connect as human beings. These will encourage sharing of important life events, interests, and humor. Our recent post on Thanksgiving recipes generated a lot of activity. While our faith is the most important bond that unites us, connecting in other human ways is important to experiencing holy friendships.

(3) One of my principal duties as pastor is to teach the faith. One of the main ways I do this is through the Sunday homily. I plan on having a weekly post that includes an audio of the homily with links to resources for further thought/study. For example, sometimes I reference a book or movie, and I could include a link. Also, sometimes I make a brief point for which there exists reference material and/or articles with more in-depth explanation. Also, there will be questions for discussion.

(4) Initially, we didn’t want the MN to become addictive and cluttered like Facebook, so we didn’t post very often. However, it may be that we have too little activity to keep people logging in every day. Ideally, we’d like our parishioners to spend 10-15 minutes a day catching up and interacting digitally with their parish family.

In case you haven’t joined the OLMC Mighty Network yet, here is the page with the link and explanation: https://www.olmcsandiego.org/mightynetwork.

Also, make sure to check the website home page for information related to Thanksgiving Masses and modified holiday church and office hours. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His mercy endures forever!