Creation Series: Creation Overview


We have benefited so greatly from science on how the world came to be. We have researchers who have dedicated their lives in pursuit of knowing the hows. But science doesn’t give us the why of creation. Only the Creator himself can. God created out of nothing, freely choosing to do so. He had no need to create but does all for our sake- that we may experience his goodness and life.

Elementary Activities:

Creation Cube Activity

Days of Creation Wheel

In the Beginning Bookmark


High School Activities:

God created because he is love itself. When we reflect on creation, we reflect on the desire God has to make himself known. Throughout salvation history he does this.

Thus the revelation of creation is inseparable from the revelation and forging of the covenant of the one God with his People. Creation is revealed as the first step towards this covenant, the first and universal witness to God's all-powerful love. And so, the truth of creation is also expressed with growing vigor in the message of the prophets, the prayer of the psalms and the liturgy, and in the wisdom sayings of the Chosen People. -CCC 288

God calls creation to share in his own life. God gives life to all things and calls everything into existence. Creation finds its fulfillment in the return back to God, eagerly awaiting the completion of man’s redemption, for it will then be glorified with him (Romans 8:19-21). God in his providence sustains and guides all creation back to himself.

Reflect on the Creation accounts in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2

Do we believe that all of creation was done in six 24-hr days? The Church fathers give evidence that this not the case. Catholic Answers had a brief synopsis on the Church Fathers and Genesis HERE.