Family Feature Friday: Finding Nemo

Today’s Family Feature Friday is Finding Nemo (2003). It is rated G and runs 1hr and 40min. It can be rented or purchased HERE. This movie is a heartwarming story of a father and son that become separated. The story explores the complex dynamic between freedom and safety. It also has a great analogy about a father who is willing to move heaven and earth to save his son, which is a common analogy that the Bible uses to describe God.

1. Nemo blatantly disobeys his father just to rebel. He is under the impression that his father just wants to keep him from having fun and being popular. Were the rules for Nemo for his own good? Reflect on the following maxim: "Actions have consequences".

2. How does Marlin treat Dory at different times in the movie? What does this say about how we should treat other humans with mental disabilities? What are the qualities that Dory has that most people don't have that allow her to be a good friend?

3. Reflect on the following Bible verse and how it relates to the movie:

"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” (Mt 18:12-14)

4. In what ways is Marlin similar to God? In what ways is he different?
(A: God also will do anything to save us, including sacrifice himself (confrontation with the sharks and jellyfish etc. Talking about the differences is a good time to talk about free will. God does not try to force us to follow us, he just wants the best for us, and we have to reciprocate.)

5. From the point of view of Nemo, calamity befell him because he disobeyed his father. It was this terrifying journey away from his father that made him realize he wanted to be with and listen to his father. Do you think Nemo would have come to this realization had something bad not happened to him? What does this say about one of the several reasons that God lets bad things happen in the world?

6. Nemo has a physical disability, but he doesn't let that stop him. He perseveres bravely forward. In what ways is Nemo a good example? Is Nemo self conscious about his fin? Or is he comfortable with it?