Viloria Family- What we love most about homeschooling...

We have learned through this process, that if God wants something from you, He will always provide!! So we have also learned to live by faith and this is the greatest adventure of all! Because of this openness to His will, I have been given the grace to teach my kids subjects which I honestly never believed I would ever teach. Our kids are thriving not only academically, but in their social interactions with others, in their true love of other persons, and their constant seeking of the ultimate Truth.

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Gruta Family- What we love most about homeschooling...

While our family circumstances are always changing, whether it be a new baby or another child getting older and becoming a student, we strive to take every year as what it is, a year.

…There will be good days and bad days in homeschooling; when the bad days come, this mission statement acts as a reminder of why we chose this truly natural method of educating our children…

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Staples Family- What I love most about homeschooling...

My friend Kimberly Hahn made this point to me years ago when Tim and I were newly weds. I asked her, "Why would I home school if I have a great Catholic school right down the street?" She answered, "If your child is gone 7 or 8 hours a day, then they have home work, then they have their chores, then they may have sports, then they have to go to bed; when do you have time to get to know them?" Needless to say, I couldn't respond. 

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