Church Fathers Series

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I am pleased to announce a series of three ZOOM presentations on the early Church Fathers by our Adult Faith Formation ministry. The Church Fathers are saints and theologians who lived and taught during the first 200 years after Christ. Studying their lives and writings gives us a glimpse into the practices, beliefs, and challenges of the disciples of Jesus for the generations following the apostles. You will see how what we believe and do now is part of an unbroken chain that includes continuity and development. Dates, times, and topics of the presentations are as follows:

  • July 8 @ 7pm. Overview of Early Patristic Period / Importance of The Church Fathers / Clement of Rome. Fr. Anthony Saroki.

  • July 15 @ 7pm. Justin Martyr / Ireneaus of Lyon. Francisco Perez.

  • July 22 @ 7pm. Ignatius of Antioch / Papius / Polycarp. Hemal Patel.

How can you participate? ZOOM links will be posted on the parish Mighty Network page, a private social media platform for OLMC parishioners. So, if you haven’t joined yet, please make sure to join soon. Also, you’ll want to make sure to know how to use ZOOM. There will be an opportunity for a Q&A for each session. I hope to see you there.